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More Tax Hikes

Watch Wes McCart Ask
legislature to raise 
Property Taxes

Stevens County GOP section below


The potential implications of the bill were significant—it could have led to the largest property tax hike in the state’s history, all without the direct consent of the people. This generated widespread disapproval, particularly because a three percent annual increase would burden many individuals and families financially, potentially even forcing some renters onto the streets. 


Commissioner Wes McCart Seeks to Increase Taxes

 Stevens County Commissioners Wes McCart pleads with Washington State Senate to grant him and the other two County Commissioners the authority to increase Stevens County Property taxes to the highest taxing levels ever seen.  Senate Bill 5770 would have taken the 1% cap up to 3%.  All of this without voter approval.  McCart said in his testimony, "I'm here in support of the county portion in the flexibility of this bill."


Local County Commissioners get to decide each year whether to increase property taxes, but only a 1% increase is allowed under current law.  Property taxes are the primary source of income for Washington State counties and increase or decrease each year based on valuations and local budget needs for the County.  McCart wants to change that.


"We've seen 7% increases in our deputies, we've had to raise our jailers to compete against Walmart, at what point do I stop providing services," said Wes McCart during his January 18 appearance before the Senate.


Another option that is available to the County Commissioners explains McCart is a Levy Lid Lift, but it must be approved by Stevens County voters.  "I could do a levy lid lift, but if I go to the voters and try and convince them that money is for paying for Assessor, Treasurers, and recording and elections, it's not going to pass in my area."


In contrast to Commissioner McCart, State Rep. and Washington GOP chair Jim Walsh encouraged residents to contact their legislators and encourage a no-vote, per a statement released from his office. Further most Legislative Republicans oppose this bill, "the legislation has drawn the ire of legislative Republicans — who held a press conference on the proposal  — and more than 90% of those who testified on the legislation during its committee hearing", per The Chronicle on February 9, 2024.


During the Senate Ways and Means Committee on January 18, 2024 Commissioner Wes McCart further requested, "Please allow us (the County Commissioners) the flexibility at the local level to make that local decision."  The Stevens County Republican Party Platform argues with McCart and indicates that this should be the decision of the voters, “We support a two-thirds approval vote of registered voters of the State of Washington before any new state taxes can be levied on its citizens.”


"I am responsible for my voters, they will kick me out if I don't do what they ask," said Stevens County Commissioner Wes McCart.

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